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SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech, the fun card-based tactical RPG from Image and Form (developer) and Thunderful (publisher) can now be picked up DRM-free on GOG.
Currently stuck in release limbo on Steam, 'The Expression Amrilato' has been released on GOG today with full Linux support. Curiously, this Yuri Visual Novel will also teach you some of the Esperanto language.
Pathfinder: Kingmaker has a massive free update with the Enhanced Edition which is now out and a big DLC is available now too with Beneath The Stolen Lands.
Hyperspace Delivery Service, a very sweet looking pixel-art space trading and adventure game has officially released and comes with full Linux support.
Using the increasingly popular card-based unit system, Cardlings offers a fresh take on the turn-based tactics gameplay and it's now out with Linux support.
Bob Ross, the game? Passpartout: The Starving Artist, originally released back in 2017 has now landed on GOG and they've managed to include the Linux build right away.
For those who love a bit of fast-paced dungeon crawling action, Tenacious from Firebelley was released on Steam earlier this year. As it turns out, they added Linux support back in March too!